Diamond Pixels


Please welcome our newest admin: RainbowStarMan!

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You are here » Diamond Pixels » Applications » Staff Application 10/10/18

Staff Application 10/10/18

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Hello, I would like to apply to this server:

What's your in game name?: RainbowStarMan

How old are you?: 18 yr

Why do you want to apply?: I'd like to apply to this server to help it grow as a better community and grow amongst it for a better place to all players and staff member. I've always prefered to become staff for newer and smaller servers, in my eyes, this allows everyone to stay close together, and interact together. To have fun between all; everyone.

Do you have any staff experience?: Yes. I have been a similar rank in all of them: "Head Builder". Not counting ones I've been staff for less 1 one month due to lack of resources (server shut down) or ones owned by the same people, about 3. All of them either lost players or have been permanently shut down, or I've left them. Why? I didn't agree with what these servers were becoming, not players, but staff were becoming abusive towards players and other staff members, including me even though I was a higher rank than them. Seeing how little other staff member cared or agreed with me, I left. Bad community.  I resigned

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I have experience with smaller servers, I am polite, respectful, funny and strict. I can adapt to any situation. I am honest and won't lie about serious things, not even as a joke. I am creative, and can think "Outside the box". I am mature, even more than what my age may make me look like.

What rank do you want to apply for?: I can apply for anything. My prefered rank would be any related to a builder. I can talk respectfully to other people, enforcing the rules and helping the community (Moderator), I have experience with commands and are something easy for me to learn (Developer), or anything any other staff member needs me to do (Helper). Of course, I prefer Builder, I have creativity and enjoy setting up something that I know someone else will end up using, helping the enjoy the server more, my skills aren't perfect or excellent in the big scheme, but I can say I can do whatever there has to be done, help, improve and adapt. My prefered work style is alone, but of course, I can work in a team.

My game time on this server it's unknown, but I will go in in my free time.

Best regards



You've been accepted as an admin, thank you for applying. Great job with the application, you nailed it! I will be able to set your rank tomorrow.


You are here » Diamond Pixels » Applications » Staff Application 10/10/18